Monday, August 22, 2011

Healthy Snacks...

Some of you may be wondering about snacks in 4th grade. Well, I snack and that means you also get to snack. I have a pretty lenient snacking policy. As long as you follow my simple rules, you'll be happy snacking all year. You are also allowed to keep a water bottle on your desk, too. I do ask that you take it home to wash at least once a week. We do what we can to stay healthy so we can stay in school! Here are the 2 rules I ask you to follow for snacks in 4th grade:

1. You can eat your snack any time during the day. That means if you eat your snack when you sit at your desk at 8:45 a.m. and you are hungry again at 10 a.m. there's not much I can do about it. Being able to choose your snack time means you  learn to eat when you are hungry. For example, on gym days, you may save your snack until the afternoon. Or, if you skipped breakfast (AH!) then you can eat your snack during Math. That being said, if you choose to crunch a bag of chips while I'm teaching Writer's Workshop, I may ask you to set your snack aside until a better time.

2. Healthy snacks are a must. It's my goal (and the district's too) to help you make healthy choices. What does that mean? What snacks are considered healthy? I have some suggestions, but you and your family will make these choices together. Here are some options:

cantaloupe cubes
kiwis - sliced
orange wedges
watermelon cubes
baby carrots
cucumber slices/sticks
grape tomatoes
bell peppers – sliced
sugar snap peas
whole grain crackers
corn chips
homemade popcorn
cereal bars
honey wheat pretzels
snap-pea crisps
fruit bars
granola bars
rice cakes
crisp flat breads

Hopefully all of this explains my snacking policy. If there are any questions, let me know :) Happy Snacking!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Would you be mine? Could you be mine?

Most of you most likely don't know Mr. Rogers, but I grew up watching Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. He used to sing a song with the lyrics, "Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Won't you be my neighbor?" It made me think about...YOU. However, I change the lyrics in my head to be..."Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Won't you be my STUDENT?"

It's only a matter of days before you find out who your teacher is and I find out who is in my class. I am so excited, and I can only imagine how anxious you are. Not only are you wondering who your teacher will be, but who else is in your class? Where will you sit? Is your teacher nice, mean, scary? Will you have a great year?

Well, that's what this blog and e-mail are for! If you are, in fact, in my class, please feel free to e-mail me or write to me on the blog! I am happy to answer any questions or even just chat before September 7, the big first day of Fourth Grade!

And if I don't hear from you, the first week of school I'll introduce you to this blog and e-mail so you know where to go if you ever need to contact me. Also, let me warn you in advance...I like to change song lyrics A LOT! I sing A LOT. Anything else you want to know about me...please ask!

Until then...enjoy these last few weeks of summer. I've got to go chase around a couple of little Thompsons. :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

I don't work for Staples, I promise...

BUT...can you really beat $.01 for an 8-pack of #2 pencils and the same price for a 2-pack of highlighters, both of which come in very handy in 4th grade. I know I'll be stopping by!!

Wait, did I mention they have a 5-pack of ballpoint pens for free???!!! In Writer's Workshop, my favorite time of day, you'll be using pens! It's a rare treat, and most kids love it (not to worry, if you're a person who loves loves LOVES to write in pencil, no problem!). Free pens...I can't wait to pick some up for you to use!!

August is here, by the way. That means September is up next...see you soon!!